Christ, St. Anne and Msgr. Stephen Louis Charbonnaux. Christ is a teacher par excellence. He is our supreme teacher and inspiration. His words are the lamp to our feet and light to our path. He is our pefect model of love and service.
St. Anne, Mother of Mary is an excellent teacher who prepared Mary to become the Mother of Jesus Christ. She is a committed, loyal, maternal and wise teacher. The college is dedicated to her. We draw from her the inspiration of commitment, loyalty and affinity.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Stephen Louis Charbonnaux of the Paris Foreign Missions is the founder of St. Anne’s congregation, Bangalore (S.A.B). He was the first vicar of Mysore Mission who mastered all the South Indian languages. He is our source of inspiration as the seminal influence of his vision and dreams permeate through our lives and activities today.